Science Award for Hurst Green

We are extremely proud to have been awarded a Primary Science Quality Mark (PSQM) for our teaching and provision of science.
Huge thanks to Mrs Smith, Nursery Teacher and Science Lead, for all her hard work in making this happen. We are lucky to have a wonderful team of teachers and support staff who help build children’s attainment and aspiration in science. We are also very fortunate to have fantastic outdoor learning and science provisions here at our school, including our brilliant Forest School, wildlife pond and school chickens.
PSQM is a comprehensive evidence-based professional development programme that effectively develops science leadership, ensuring teachers have the knowledge, capability and support they need to transform science education and shape future generations.
Helen Sizer, PSQM Co-Director said: “By enabling effective science leadership, PSQM is powering the potential of all children to see the relevance and importance of science in their lives, now and in the future. Schools that have achieved a Primary Science Quality Mark have demonstrated a significant commitment to science leadership, teaching and learning and the profile and quality of science in each accredited school is very high.”
Primary Science Quality Marks have been awarded to 425 nursery, infant, junior, primary, middle, international and special schools this month to celebrate their commitment to excellence in science leadership, teaching and learning, and we are extremely proud to be named one of those schools.