September 2014 saw the introduction of a new National Curriculum for England and Wales. Our curriculum is derived from this document and enriched to reflect the values that we hold at Hurst Green.
Our curriculum is balanced and broad. It consists of activities designed and encouraged in the school to develop the intellectual, personal, social and physical activities in the children.
The curriculum is planned by our staff team. The National Curriculum provides a necessary framework and ensures continuity throughout the child’s school life.
Our teaching is child-centred in that our pupils are central to all our planning. We have high expectations of our children and the skills they will need to develop to be life long learners. We start with what is familiar and, using practical activities wherever possible, extend this knowledge. We plan learning to interest and excite our children whilst promoting pupil independence so that they want to learn and enjoy their new skills. Success is a firm foundation for future learning and we show due appreciation of their successes.
Within the class our children are planned for according to their abilities in the different subjects. Our planning is detailed, inclusive and differentiated to meet all pupils’ talents, skills and abilities. We have also set out key learning objectives which will be shared with and taught to the children right throughout the school. For information about what is happening each term in each class, please do take a look at the curriculum maps that can be found on the website.
Class Organisation
Each year group consists of one class and the class teacher is in the main responsible for the delivery of all curriculum subjects. Exceptions to this may be seen in such subjects as P.E where through our use of Sports Premium funding we may invite sport professionals in to work alongside the teacher.
Curriculum Leaders
Each class teacher is able to teach a broad curriculum including the core subjects. They are supported by the use of specialist curriculum teams who are able to advise and work alongside colleagues within the classroom. Specialist help and advice are also available from supporting consultants, Advisory Teachers and other School Improvement Advisors.
Teaching Assistants
We employ a number of teaching assistants to help and support the work of the class teacher. Teaching assistants help with both individual children and groups; they assist with the general supervision of the children and learning activities.
We use the Read Write Inc phonic scheme daily in phonic lessons throughout EYFS and KS1. Each child has a RWI reading book linked to the phonics they have been learning within their groups. They will also bring home another banded reading book and a book for pleasure. Please see our English page for more information.
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
We have an agreed Special Educational Needs Code of Practice which is in accordance with Government guidelines. All children on the SEN register have an Individual Educational Plan (IEP) agreed with the class teacher, Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO) and, where appropriate, the Local Authority (LA). Parents and pupils will be involved and consulted at all stages. Children may receive additional support on an individual or small group basis. This may take place within the classroom or in other designated areas within the school.
Our Admissions Policy accepts all children and does not discriminate against any disabilities. We are committed to equal access to the curriculum for all pupils.
All children are expected to set aside some time after school for homework. Homework is there to:
- Develop good work habits
- Encourage home/school links
- Broaden research skills
- Consolidate work started in school
This will vary from the youngest child sharing a reading book with a parent to older children learning to spell key words or learning to use mathematical concepts. Work undertaken at home provides a valuable support for classroom work and its enjoyment and success depends upon the involvement and co-operation of parents.